We continuously update the website with videoes of our mast climbing work platform solutions. The videoes show setups, moving and the use of mast climbers and should act as inspiration in relation to the use of platforms. And we often get our customers to talk about the collaboration with and the use of our platform solutions.

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Total Cover on Wheels

Total covers constructed with work platforms provide craftsmen with a much larger working area than comparable scaffolding solutions. These tailor-made solutions streamline roof renovations while seriously enhancing the working environment and safety. It is possible to construct the solution so that the cover rolls on wheels, which adds even more value when working in stages on one or more buildings.

Work Platforms for New Construction in Odense

On Havnegade in Odense, Murerfirmaet Axel Poulsen A/S is carrying out the masonry contract for the main contractor A. Enggaard A/S, who are in the process of constructing 350 owner-occupied and rental units in the attractive area near Odense Harbor. has supplied work platforms for both masonry work and window installation, and our fitters have often visited the construction site to move and adapt the platforms for the construction. Watch the video and hear our project manager Jesper Høiberg talk about the project.
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Roof Safety Project in Odense

In Gartnerbyen in Odense, has recently set up work platforms for roof safety on one of the apartment blocks that H. Skjøde Knudsen A/S is constructing in the district. The roof safety solution was moved from block to block as the carpenters completed the roofs of the buildings. The roof safety was constructed using 13 work platforms, where the decks were extended to give the carpenters a huge working area with ample space to store materials. In’ solution, there are no scaffolding frames and consoles in the way of the craftsmen while they work and move around the building materials.

Master carpenter rents a work platform for the first time

“It’s the first time I’ve rented a platform myself, but it certainly won’t be the last,” says Niels Hansen, a carpenter and owner of Fløng Carpentry and Joinery Company ApS. Until recently, Niels always rented scaffolding when he needed to do carpentry work at height. But this changed when someone in his network asked him if he had considered a platform. Niels contacted, got a good offer, and then he replaced windows from a work platform.
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Please accept marketing-cookies to view this content. sees opportunities and thinks innovatively

Our work platforms are the key to solving a wide range of tasks at height, and at we like to think far beyond traditional solutions. Because we have just specialized in creating platform solutions that meet the unique needs of each individual customer. Also when it requires innovative thinking and action! Therefore, we also thought it was an exciting challenge when K.N. Energy Group A/S approached us. The company wanted an alternative to their scaffolding solution, and through good cooperation, we created a tailor-made solution that boosts both the work environment and efficiency.

Double-Masted Work Platform Solutions in Aalborg

At the top of Sohngårdsholmbakken in Aalborg, HP Byg is in the process of completing two 15-story tower buildings in Lønneparken. To provide the bricklayers with the best working conditions when they are bricking the facades of the buildings, HP Byg has rented four double-masted work platforms from The platform solutions are mounted with a wing on each side, allowing the workspace to reach around the corners of the buildings. This makes it extra easy for the bricklayers to finish the corners.
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