We continuously update the website with videoes of our mast climbing work platform solutions. The videoes show setups, moving and the use of mast climbers and should act as inspiration in relation to the use of platforms. And we often get our customers to talk about the collaboration with and the use of our platform solutions.

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Total coverage creates a large work area at the roof edge’ innovative total coverage solution provides access to a very large work area at the roof edge. There is plenty of space to store materials and tools, minimizing clutter and creating a more organized work environment. Using work platforms also means there are no annoying columns and fasteners in the work area. This allows workers to easily perform their tasks and handle large materials. This creates an efficient workspace where both the working environment and safety are significantly improved. All of this contributes to creating added value and significantly boosting job satisfaction.

Gable mural executed from a work platform

“It has been the best solution we could find for creating our wall mural,” says Lars Pedersen from the Institute for Urban Art in the video. Lars refers to the solution provided by for the institute when they created Denmark’s third-largest gable mural on one of Field’s façades to celebrate the shopping center’s 20th anniversary. With the help of our work platform, the painters were able to work quickly and safely while having all their materials with them on the platform. This not only optimized their workflow but also provided the painters with a stable and flexible workspace.
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Work platforms for façade and roofing work

Do you know all the situations where work platforms can replace traditional scaffolding and streamline work processes? If not, watch this video and get plenty of inspiration, and see the benefits of integrating work platforms into your construction and renovation projects. From large to small façade and roofing projects, work platforms are often the optimal solution that, besides being value-creating, also enhances safety on the construction site.

Platform solution at TRÆ in Aarhus South Harbour

In connection with the construction of Denmark’s tallest wooden building, the impressive TRÆ in Aarhus South Harbour, the main contractor Kaj Ove Madsen a/s Aarhus has chosen to use 11 of’ work platforms to support the build. On the 78-meter, 20-story high building, we have installed 8 covered work platforms, which are used for the extensive facade work. The remaining 3 platforms are located at the two other buildings that are part of the project. These platforms are used, among other things, for the construction of a walkway that connects the buildings and ensures a harmonious coherence in the overall project.
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Let the work platforms handle the heavy lifting

With a mobile work platform as a base, craftsmen can work safely and comfortably at height while lifting heavy materials into place. Bricklayers, for example, can easily lift heavy lintels into the masonry, and carpenters can precisely position facade sections, windows, and glass doors in the building’s facade.’ flexible platform solutions streamline new construction and renovation projects. And the risk of injuries is significantly reduced while the craftsmen are spared from being worn out by heavy and improper lifting.

Work platform adapted to an elevator tower

In Frederiksberg, two satisfied carpenters are using a work platform that has been mounted with two consoles, so the work area reaches around an elevator tower. The solution demonstrates, among other things, how flexible work platforms are, and that they can be adapted to virtually all types of facades. At, we custom-make all our solutions to streamline the workflows for the users of the machines and to add value for our renters.
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