We continuously update the website with videoes of our mast climbing work platform solutions. The videoes show setups, moving and the use of mast climbers and should act as inspiration in relation to the use of platforms. And we often get our customers to talk about the collaboration with and the use of our platform solutions.

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Use work platforms instead of lifts

Carpenter Christian Frederiksen clearly prefers work platforms over lifts. He particularly appreciates being able to set up a workbench on the platform, as well as being able to take materials and tools up with him to height. This makes it easy for him to carry out his work without constantly having to go up and down.

A great product and really good service

“We from Raunstrup have been very pleased with the collaboration with They have provided a great product for this case and really good service,” say the carpenters, Oliver Hemmingsen and Anders Wedel Køhler among other things, when interviews them while they are in the process of replacing windows in an apartment block in Nørrebro.
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Hoist solutions in Postbyen

Internal shaft hoists and external construction hoists from assist Nordstern’s craftsmen up and down in connection with the construction of the tower buildings in “Postbyen”. Personnel and material hoists are mounted and adapted to the buildings as the towers rise, so our fitters are fully occupied with supporting the various tailor-made hoist solutions. We recently visited Kenneth Gregers Pedersen and Kenneth Reimer, who are raising several of the external Alimak hoists. On that occasion, we got some great footage and a good interview with Kenneth “The Greek” Pedersen in the can.

Efficiency and job satisfaction on a work platform

One of the ingredients to create efficiency and job satisfaction on the construction site is work platforms. The efficient and happy bricklayers are building in the new and exciting neighborhood, which Enemærke & Petersen is building on Søndre Molevej at Køge Kyst.
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Work platforms equals a great workplace

“It’s nice that there’s plenty of space to work on when it both has to align with the crane and elements. So it’s perfect.”, says carpenter Christian Frederiksen, among other things in the video. Christian, and his colleagues, are installing facade elements at a construction site at Køge Kyst when interviews him.

Drone shots of tailored hoisting solutions

See four examples of tailor-made hoist solutions, which has designed, mounted, and serviced in Aarhus, Copenhagen, and Frederiksberg. On two of the projects, our work platforms have also been part of the solution.
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